Private Courses on Legacy Planning

Co-created with your constituency and tested in practice

  • Legacy Planning for Loyal, High Capacity Donors

    10 Week program co-created with Dallas Jewish Community Foundation (DJCF). Now in process with staff, nonprofit partners, and allied advisors. By the end of ten weeks, DJCF will know whether a billion dollar campaign is feasible, and what would be needed to make it so. Can be adapted to other faith traditions and Community Foundations.

  • Bringing Philanthropy Home to Your Practice, Clients, and Community

    9-week action-oriented program convened by nonprofits to educate and engage advisors who work with Ultra High Net Worth Clients. By the end of the 8 weeks the nonprofit will know whether it is feasible to engage with their most loyal high-capacity donors to conduct a transformational a gift planning planning initiative. And the advisors will know how they can best put their talents to work for their most generous clients.

  • Transformational Gift Planning for Nonprofits with Existing Planned Giving Programs

    Your Executive Director and Division Heads will learn how to open gift planning conversations with the organization's most loyal high-capacity donors with the assistance of major and planned gift staff and the active engagement of professional advisors.