Use Case
Only 2% of nonprofits have budgets of $10 mm or more. Few have endowments. Few have Planned Giving Officers. Few if any can afford a full-time CAP. Fewer yet can afford to wait a decade for "expectancies" to mature. Still, these vital organizations can catch the legacy wealth wave, if certain conditions are met.
Board and Senior Leaders buy in.
The organization has at least a few high-capacity, legacy-age donors who consider the nonprofit essential to their identity and community.
A Platform Partner provides needed infrastructure.
Advisors are trained and motivated to collaborate.
The Realities of Wealth
The Few who Can Do so Much.
$84 trillion over the next two decades will pass from Boomers to heirs and nonprofits.
.05% of donors give 55% of all donated funds.
Legacy dollars go disproportionately to Colleges, Universities, and Hospitals.
Donors’ hearts, minds, and souls are often deeply engaged in their local, community-based organizations.
Big donors would give big, endowed gifts to local, community-based organizations if they knew they could.
90 seconds
Our Legacies and The Fate of Our Communities
With the help of legacy-trained advisors and a Platform Partner, even small to mid-sized community-based nonprofits can compete and win in competition with billion-dollar endowed institutions.
The legitimacy of nonprofits and the resilience of our communities depend on a broad base of public participation.
To build the infrastructure needed for the many to leave a meaningful legacy, the few must step up to the plate to fund the needed infrastructure.
Home-run legacy decisions are never made without the assistance of qualified advisors. They can be enlisted as volunteers.
The Role of the Platform Organization
Often, it is a Community Foundation or Faith Community Foundation. It may also be a National Platform Provider, Advisory Firm, or Consultant.
Convene the players and provide needed education, motivation, and leadership.
Bring into the mix the nonprofits that serve as Values Guardians and Service Providers to the community in which the donor is embedded.
Bring qualified advisors and consultants into the mix so families receive the best possible advice.
Provide access to charitable tools including Endowments, Area of Interest Funds, Donor Advised Funds, Supporting Organizations, and Giving Circles.
Connect legacy planning to values grounded in community, identity, and tradition.
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Program Creator
Happy to brainstorm with you about how this may work for you and your constituents.